October, 2016 – Press Release – Government of Canada Invests in New Genomic Applications Projects 2016 EORLA Genome Canada Grant for the Molecular Diagnostics Lab Catégorie BulletinPar Leigh Fentonoctobre 19, 2016 Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on XShare on X Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Navigation de commentaireOnglet précédent Onglet précédent EORLA National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Poster Contest WinnerOnglet suivantOnglet suivantOntario Improving Patient Care Through Innovative Health Technologies: EORLA Receives a $197,760 Grant to Improve Cancer Diagnosis and TreatmentRelated postsL’Association des laboratoires régionaux de l’Est de l’Ontario (ALREO) et Roche Diagnostics unissent leurs forces lors d’une étude de séroprévalence sur le SRAS-CoV-2août 8, 2020Canadian Consortium Increases Access to Cancer Testing and Treatment in Response to COVID-19août 8, 2020EORLA Announces New CEO – Friday, January 11thjanvier 11, 2019Ontario Improving Patient Care Through Innovative Health Technologies: EORLA Receives a $197,760 Grant to Improve Cancer Diagnosis and Treatmentavril 3, 2017EORLA National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Poster Contest Winnerjuin 18, 2015Registration is now open: IQMH-EORLA Symposium 2015juin 15, 2015
L’Association des laboratoires régionaux de l’Est de l’Ontario (ALREO) et Roche Diagnostics unissent leurs forces lors d’une étude de séroprévalence sur le SRAS-CoV-2août 8, 2020
Canadian Consortium Increases Access to Cancer Testing and Treatment in Response to COVID-19août 8, 2020
Ontario Improving Patient Care Through Innovative Health Technologies: EORLA Receives a $197,760 Grant to Improve Cancer Diagnosis and Treatmentavril 3, 2017